Envía un mensaje a Jean-Claude Juncker, Presidente de la Comisión Europea y Federica Mogherini representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad

Un mail a los máximos representantes europeos puede ayudar a todo un pueblo, te sugerimos que envíes a: federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu y president.juncker@ec.europa.eu tu solicitud para tomar acción

To whom it may concern / For the attention of ... / Dear Sir/Madam 

Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Comission.

Federica Mogherini, High representative of the Union for Foreing Affairs and Security Policy /Vice-Presidente of the Commission

​We are aware that you are informed of the dramatic situation in which the inhabitants of Khan Al Ahmar find themselves, due to the latent threat of Israel to demolish their town. All this is part of the Israeli expansion plan known as Area E1.

This area of the West Bank is of enormous strategic importance. On the one hand, if the forced displacement of the Palestinian population is achieved, Jerusalem would be surrounded by colonies dividing the West Bank in two, further breaking the continuity of the Palestinian territory. Israeli 'justice' has already approved the displacement and demolition of the village.

The demolition of the village and the displacement of its inhabitants violate international law and Amnesty International has described it as a war crime. Several states, including Spain, have requested that this demolition be stopped but the threat of compliance remains and has intensified in recent days.

The unacceptable Israeli policy of illegal colonization of Palestinian territories is designed to fragment the West Bank and further separate the Palestinians from their capital, Jerusalem. This policy seeks expansion of the maximum possible territory with the minimum non-Jewish population, that is: the policy is designed to continue the expansion of illegal settlements for Jews only, while emptying the area of the Palestinian population.

Khan al Ahmar is today a benchmark but it is not the only village threatened. All the villages in the area and the Jordan Valley are in the same situation. Its inhabitants are subject to restrictions and violations of Human Rights. Their schools are in constant danger of demolition. Khan Al-Ahmar is one of 46 Palestinian communities in the West Bank that Israel wants to displace forcibly.

With the ban on access to fields and aquifers, Palestinian agricultural production will weaken further and the deterioration of the Palestinian economic fabric will irreparably continue. It is a new despoilment of Palestinian territory that comes in addition to the continuous Israeli colonisation, the construction of the wall and the systematic occupation of lands.

Khan Al Ahmar endures thanks to the peaceful resistance exercised by the Palestinian population, media coverage and international pressure. The demolition order can be resumed at any time. Therefore, Palestinian society and the community of Khan Al Ahmar make an explicit and urgent call to prevent their being displaced and their village demolished.

The EU must collectively hold Israel accountable for this continued hostility.

All Israeli settlements are illegal, and the trade in settlement produce leads to violations of human rights and abuse of the Palestinian people. Palestinians in the occupied territories are forcibly expelled from their homes, their most fertile agricultural land is seized and the fruits and vegetables produced are sold in European supermarkets.

Israel will continue to expand the settlements unless the international community takes meaningful action. The Irish Senate recently voted in favor of a bill that bans the importation of products from the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel, paving the way for the country to become the first EU nation to enforce that ban. The EU must follow its example and support a total ban on trade with illegal settlements, including both goods and services, as well as apply decisive political, diplomatic and economic pressure on the Israeli authorities to stop the demolition of Khan Al-Ahmar.

The EU must defend human rights, including those of the Palestinian people.

¡Apoya la resistencia pacífica palestina en Khan Al Ahmar!

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Plataforma española en Defensa de Khan Al Ahmar                khanalahmar@gmail.com
Todos los derechos reservados 2019
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